Monday, September 24, 2018


Four weeks ago I took a pregnancy test. I never expected it to be positive. In fact, I was taking the test so sure it would be negative, so I could call the hormone specialist I had been working with and tell her I thought some things needed to be adjusted. I had started having hot flashes again, and wicked mood swings and thought it was related to needing to adjust some of the supplements I was on.

A week after that, I got my first beta done and it was 400 something. Lower than I thought it should be but still in the normal range, and as I didn’t know exactly when I ovulated, thought it might be alright. A week after that I had a beta of 3100 something. Adequate increase if you account for the slow-down that happens over 1200. Again, in normal range on the charts. Still kept feeling like the numbers should be higher, but I had some cramping and breast tenderness and lots of nausea so I tried to think good thoughts, but I kept having a nagging feeling.

Another week goes by and I start to really wonder. I don’t feel crampy like I usually would through the first trimester, I have lots of energy, my symptoms aren’t getting worse, and I don’t feel the urge to pee often or have a fullness in my lower pelvis. I try to reason it all away, but it’s always there in the back of my mind. Another week later I have a scan where it’s just the sac, rough measurement of 5 weeks 2 days when I should be at least over 6 weeks, but probably more like 7.

I do the math everywhich way I can to try to make the measurement make sense. Did I find out super early? Maybe I really am only 5 weeks. But I got a positive test 3 weeks ago. I run beta numbers and account for slow down, trying to guess what my beta is. I twist the information every which way but just can’t figure it all out, and finally just give up and settle in the fact that something somewhere is wrong.

Last night a couple hours before I got off work the sono tech and I were talking and she asked about babies, and I told her unneeded a scan because I was pregnant but didn’t think it was ok. The sac was smaller than last week, no measurement but I could tell, and it was empty. Blighted Ovum it’s called. What they thought I had with my last baby which turned out to be tech error. But at this point it’s no error this time. 4 weeks since a positive test, 3 weeks since my 3100 beta. The tech felt awful, but I just knew. She also said it looked like the endometrium was thick and trying to shed, like a section of clot needed to come out. Probably couldn’t from the Progesterone I am on. She gives me a hug. I try and hold it together for my last 2 hours. I text my husband and tell him and ask him to handle telling the kids.

I just want to get to the safety of my car so I can feel the feels. Of course it has to be pouring down rain and lots of city traffic, so I cry as much as I can while trying to somewhat safely drive. The first thought I have is “I don’t get to keep you” which justbrios my heart into two. Then I think about coming home to a house full of people who were so happy and have to look them all in the eye, as if it is somehow my fault. I feel guilty I was ever so shocked or worried the test was positive, that maybe because I initially was a little scared that somehow I caused this to happen.

Before I got into bed I sadly took off my St. Gerard necklace. It was the first night I didn’t say the prayer novena to him. Today has been hard. I really want to just curl up in bed and stay there for a while but I can’t. And I am angry because I am still so nauseated and headachey thanks to these hormones that are still there, since I still have a gestational sac in my uterus. I am very angry I am feeling lousy for nothing. I put off calling my doctor at first. I just didn’t want to face it, and possibly have to put on clothes and go in for an appointment. I didn’t want to do any of that today. When my husband got home I took a nice hot bath, and dozed off in the run for about 20 minutes and it helped me feel a bit better. I called my doctor then, and he was so great about everything, expressing shock and sorrow. He gave me the choice of expected management (waiting to miscarry on my own) or a D&C. I am not super keen on having surgery, so I am opting to wait, but he told me he would do whatever I wanted. If I want this to be over quickly he would schedule me, but understands I might want to wait given I have had 5 uterine surgeries and it’s a little more complicated now. I am keeping my appointment with him in 2 weeks (which was supposed to be my 10 week prenatal appointment) and if I haven’t miscarried by then, a D&C is likely. But if I start bleeding I am to come in sooner so he can monitor everything to make sure I don’t hemorrhage.

And no, he won’t make me come in to verify. He knows I am in the imaging field and have always had my own scans in between appointments with him. I worked with him when I was a student and he was the attending at the same hospital, and we have a long history both personal and professional, and therefore a mutual trust. He knows I wouldn’t call him about this if I wasn’t sure.

So for now I am going to feel all the feels and just wait and pray I miscarry on my own. And in the meantime try to come to terms with this unexpected pregnancy and loss. Tonight I am just so very sad, although I can’t help but somehow at the same time feel lucky, because just down the road my dear friend is deciding on experimental treatments in a foreign country so she can save her life.


  1. Oh, I’m so sorry it turned out this way. I hope peace and resolution comes. But so sorry about everything you are feeling and going through now.

  2. What a roller coaster of emotions this must have been for you, and still is. I'm so very sorry you've had to go through this.

  3. Oh, Charlotte...I'm so very sorry for your loss. So many ups and downs in this experience, and I'm so, so very sorry that it turned out this way. I teared up imagining you taking off that St Gerard necklace. I hope that things resolve without the need for a D&C, and I'm glad that you have a doctor who you have that kind of relationship with. Sending you love and peace.

  4. I am so, so sorry you've had to go through this roller coaster. I hope you can be gentle with yourself and find peace. You're in my thoughts.

  5. Oh hon, I am so sorry. Holding you in my heart.

  6. I'm so late in commenting. I'm so sorry for your loss. Please try to take care of yourself.
