About Me

Decent wife. Good Enough Mom. (I think, but you’d have to ask my kids.) Sporadic blogger. Crazy person. Chaos Manager. Finder of stray socks and missing shoes. Loves to cook, wishes it wasn’t demanded of her daily. Runs on caffeine.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

An update in bullets

It’s been a while since I did one of these, and I have lots of news, so here we go!

•I am down 23lbs since starting my new thing. The scale is still steadily moving down, and when it doesn’t I know how to fix it. Still feeling happy and satisfied and not deprived, still not doing any workouts.

•We got in to the pre-k program at our local high school. This is the one where the instruction is done by the students in the Early Childhood Education completer program. Super excited because it’s close, and super affordable. I was under the impression we wouldn’t find out until the end of summer so getting that Welcome email was a nice surprise, and checks one thing off of our list.

•Speaking of my 4 year old, he is just finishing his first week at vacation bible school at the church by our house. He has done great, and had no problem with me leaving him there for the morning. I picked out one of the middle school kids who were helping in the Pre-K group, and he has stuck by her side all week. Funny enough, she was in my middle daughter’s class this past year but we didn’t know her prior. He does a week of afternoon VBS at our other church where we used to live next week.

•The school year ended and the kids all had a great year in their new schools. The first week of summer has been weird weather, but overall not too bad. The oldest is on a retreat for prep for her Summer Vocational Volunteering.

•We ended up getting a “new” car. I didn’t really want to do that and add that expense but we didn’t have much choice. The other vehicle I drive to work is on its last legs and has too many major, costly issues to try and fix. The registration is up on it at the end of this month so we will be junking it for some cash, as there was no trade in value due to its age and issues.

•My teen has her first real boyfriend. She met him through youth group, and I know he comes from a good, involved family. We have been having a lot of talks about sex and responsiblity and trust. I told her I will raise a responsible human even if it kills me. (Sometimes I think it might.)

•I have been taking a bunch of supplements to try and naturally regulate some hormonal imbalances for a few weeks now. So far I am not sure how to tell if they are working. I was trying to go by my cycles, but every month they are slightly different so I am not sure. I had to pay for the testing out of pocket because it was an out of state lab, so I think I should probably wait at least 6 months to recheck...? Overall I feel better but I have also lost some weight, so it could just be that.

•I am down almost 2 scrub sizes so that is awesome. So far one person noticed, but I am being very low-key about it. It makes me very uncomfortable to talk about.

•Lots of exciting things coming up soon...next week we have an aquarium member night, which is always so fun. They hold them once a month but during the school year it’s hard to get to because of the hours. We usually take turns going because not everyone always wants (or is in good shape) to go, but it’s my turn and I will be taking 1-5 of the kids.

•My 40th Birthday is the week after that. What an odd milestone. We aren’t doing anything big because that’s not me but also, just another day. 4th of July the girls and I will go see fireworks, the boys don’t like to go. The day after we have an overnight trip for a concert in a nearby-ish city. 2 days after that is our 19th anniversary, so we have a dinner date planned. We don’t go too fancy, but definitely somewhere where we wouldn’t go with the kids. Looking forward to that treat meal and couple hours alone.

•Decisions on anymore family building has been put on hold. I have just tabled that for now. The truth is I am happy, but I am open to more, but I’m not getting younger. But it’s too emotional to delve into and I decided that I don't need to make any decisions. That instead of worrying what will happen, I am just going to live life and see what happens in the next couple of years. After that, well, I don’t know, but that’s a discussion for a different time.

•Work is good. I have the greatest extended family there, people who are so accepting of me just the way I am, and who don’t put expectations on me that I can’t meet (in a personal sense, not professional-I rock at my job) and I am so lucky I have that to go to. Even the people who are living a totally different life than me, we still have great relationships and I feel supported and understood, and I am able to give that back.

•When I am not in the terrible mindset that is PMD I realize I am actually very happy in my life. It’s very messy and chaotic and a constant balancing act, and I am always faking it til I make it. But I’m right where I’m supposed to be.


  1. What a great update! So happy for you and your kids. That’s good you are talking to your daughter about sex and boyfriend etc. I never discussed relationships with my parents lol...,I completely shut them out, but I’m hoping to have a different vibe with my kids.

  2. Congrats on your weight loss! It sounds like things are going great!

    I agree with torthuil. I hope to have an open dialogue with my kids about sex and the like in hopes that they will be better informed and not as naive as I was when I got to college!
